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PostPosted: Thu 0:50, 12 May 2011    Post subject: Moncler enfants

We'rewhores.Vivian looks like she wants to weep. Or scream. She doesneither. She slowly nods. Kit's sorry she said that.KIT (cont'd)So I blew our stash. We couldmake it all back with one goodnight on the streets.VIVIANI just saw somebody pulled outof a dumpster. I wonder how muchshe made tonight?KITDon't be mad at me. I'll payyou back. I promise.VIVIANI thought you were giving up thatdrug shit.KITI will. I'm trying.(a beat)Meanwhile I got some crack left,you wanna get high?VIVIANNo,Moncler enfants, let's go to work. Okay?KITOkay.(then touches her hand)I'm sorry I said your dream wasstupid.EXT. HOLLYWOOD BLVD. - NIGHTEdward's Ferrari turns onto Hollywood Blvd.,moncler, finally out ofthe Hollywood Hills.EXT. HOLLYWOOD BLVD. - NIGHTVivian and Kit are out trying to hustle John's in passing cars.Vivian strikes a sexy pose at the bus stop. Kit is talking toanother prostitute,moncler femme longue, RACHEL.KITNo no,Vestes Moncler, honey. You see thesestars on the sidewalk. Me andVivian work from Don Ameche allthe way up to Roy Rogers.This is our office. We gotseniority. Get off our corner.RACHELI was just taking a rest here.Besides, she's new.(points to Vivian)KITBut I'm old. Go rest up by MontyHall or Debra Paget where youbelong.Rachel walks off.VIVIAN(looks at passing cars)Looks slow tonight.KITMaybe we should get a pimp.Carlos likes you and --VIVIANForget it. We work for it. Wekeep it.They keep hustling.KITI can't handle this tonight.I'm going home.VIVIAN(stares at her)That crack is burning a hole inyour pocket. There isn't evenmilk in the

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